Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So it's 2008, a year that ends with my favorite number, an Olympic year, and one that I have decided to figure out this life thing and set an intention. Last night I fell asleep at 10:30 and missed the ball dropping only to wake up a few minutes into 2008 becasue of all the screaming on TV. What a great way to start 2008, hope this isn't an indication of what is in store.

So as I sit in my windowless office eating oh so healthy Taco Smelly here is what I hope to accomplish:
  • More Bikram Yoga- anyone who has not tried this euphoric yoga, you really don't know what you are missing. 90 minutes of hot sweaty heart pumping stretching gives me the best high I have ever gotten. I feel more productive, alert, conscious, aware, toned, stronger, and sleep like a child. It's amazing, so definitely more yoga. Even if I have to get up at 5 am.
  • More Water-hydration, hydration, hydration. Water and me get along, plus it aids the yoga.
  • More Reading-anything and everything. Philosophy, non-fiction, historical fiction, magizines, and actuall school related reading.
  • More School-to push myself and not fall into the thinking that b's are good enough. I am smart enough and pay too much money not to get a 4.0 this year. Plus, I took that semester off so I really have no excuses.
  • More Photos-Goal is to document 2008. Thinking back and reflecting I have nothing to really show for 2007 except chub. Then I can use my Photoshop skills that are never really put to the test.
  • More Cardio-I am starting to sprout some pretty mean muscles I need to get rid of the layer of insulation.
  • More Appreaction-To be thankful more. I am really blessed.
  • More Music-less TV
  • More Dance-I was once a dancing fool and I am going to reclaim that.
  • More Social-Going out more and meeting new people.

That's all I have for right now. Hope 2008 is off to a happy start.