Friday, April 4, 2008

Good Sara, Good!

I was so god last night that after my last post and some Fine Arts Library exploration, I got off my ass and did 35 minuets on the treadmill- ten of which were running my ass off. I did almost three miles until the Cardio Gestapo came with his little sign "Please Limit Cardio to 25 mins" and gave me the evil eye. So jumped off and walked to Pita Pit (side note: that place is cheap and rocks!),went to my car, got home, took a shower, and promptly passed out. I slept so good last night and had some crazy dreams involving people I haven't seen in years. At least last night's dream didn't involve Cameron and his new boyfriend skipping about, which always sends me into an existential panic.

What else? I went to Whole Foods this morning and bought $12 worth of fruit, yogurt, and chicken breasts. I was so hungry that it is almost gone already and not even two in the afternoon. Now I'm stuck in my windowless office alone with no real motivation to do any real work. I could really go for a drink right now, a Washington Apple would suffice it's afterall almost five in NYC....

It's a beautiful day today and I'm stuck inside listening to music and not doing work. No big plans just paying my PNM bill and working on my fitness. Later...